The sad part in all of this is no matter which way we look “we the people” look at these people Trump included and wonder what life is like to be an Elitist. We are the Elite, NOT them. Sometimes in life one of them recognises that and turns their back on so called Elitist and realse the LOVE of the common man is more valuable than the love of money or material things. They dont know our struggle and God willing we will never know theirs. You and I are mankind nothing can buy or sell our beautiful God given SOULS. ❤️.

He truly cares about this country. That is why they chose him to go up against the Black Hats and Deep State

Proud American - Faith in Humanity - Indivisible Under God
Exactly the opposite of what was portrayed by the DS MSM.

The truth is almost always the opposite of whatever they say. You can almost gauge truth by their reaction to it at this point, a truth detector test😍