#FamilyIsEverything. APL = 7.1/10 *Authorized conspiracy theorist *Not an authorized preacher.
Someone remind me again why we drink the blood of Christ @ Church. Have they perverted religion over time or do they all have dark origins?
Hard topic to talk about before this Pope.

Yes, this is such a difficult topic to discuss openly with alot of people. Myself, raised as Catholic, and our son attended Catholic school from preschool until (7th grade) 2020, when we pulled him out. I have always questioned many of the rituals performed during Mass. Additionally, Why do we tell a man (priest) our sins, when we should be able to ask for forgiveness and speak with God ourselves? Never made sense to me or my son. I don’t believe you have to attend a physical church or belong to a certain denomination in order to have a relationship with God. It is personal, specific, and special to each one of us. ❤️
I 100% agree! I left the Catholic church, physically they prohibited me from Communion because of a divorce, and emotionally I left due to disagreement with some policies. I have tried different churches looking for fellowship, comfort, and inspiration, but found they were all about money. My relationship is with God and Jesus one on one. I don't feel I need to talk to another person who claims to "represent" God or worship in a building to believe and praise God. He is the reason I am here today.

US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
An omnipotent, onnipresent power, does not need an intermediary, a book, a build8ng, jewels, robes, land, political power...
It just needs our attention... the very thing our current lives are designed to distract us from.

Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
God loves us right where we are and just as we are. So many share those feelings! I take communion at home all by myself. I pray about it, ask His blessings, and repeat His words....'take eat, this is my body. He took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink ye all of it...for this is my blood shed for you for the remission of sins.' Maybe one day we will be able to come together.