Exactly a year ago we decided to leave Charlotte, NC, the place I called home for 30 years, and moved out of state. Although it's been one of the toughest years of our lives, my wife, my 6 year old daughter, my 4 year old special needs son, and I are so grateful and thankful that God's guided us to the amazing state of Tennessee.
Since our move, we found a clinic for our son, we found a great co-op home school for our daughter, we found an amazing circle of patriot friends who we now call FAMILY, and we even took a leap of faith by starting our own business. It's not been easy. We have made many mistakes and have learned so many lessons that have made our family and our business stronger.
But the most amazing thing that's transpired in my life in the last 18 months is how much closer I've become to GOD. My faith has helped me immensely to expel fear and doubt from my life.
I am also very, very thankful for AnonUp and all of you, who I also consider my family.
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
We love large families. As much as I love my immediate family, we don't see eye to eye on many issues so our relationship at most is superficial. When I need encouragement, I come here. It's my go-to for family that isn't blood, but family in spirit. It's just a nice place to be. I'm glad you are here.
I feel the same. The people that raised me were not family...I come here to be around likeminded people. We are family. Glad you are here....