ALERT! MUST LISTEN and SHARE! Brand new session with Dr Reiner Fuellmich --the vax batches are intentionally NOT the same!
This is a brand new must listen session with Dr Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Committee of doctors from several countries They are intentionally mixing and distributing this range of dosages--from quick kill shots--to maiming shots--to saline shots (these obviously to deliver a smooth harmless experience-- so these people report the vax is 'fine'.)
The big pharma, reset cabal has left a record---they are BUSTED. Do NOT take one more shot. It's like rolling dice!
Please listen to this session--the whole thing, inform yourself--and share it. PLEASE Be a HERO and do it for your friends, families, everyone.
You could save a life.
Dr. Sam White | Session 85: Rethinking
Mirror. Source Dr. Sam White | Session 85: Rethinking | SixthSense channel Quote: "Dr. Sam White - General Practitioner Th…