"WOW! I learned tonight from an attendee of a Clay Clark Reawaken-America-Tour event disturbing news. These events host speakers to talk about the dangers of jabs and ‘rally the patriots’ to get out there and do something. He stated that DURING THE EVENT there was a mist, an odorless FOG coming down out of the CEILING. After the event the man has fallen ILL IN WAYS HE HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED. He is suffering from dizziness, coughing lack of oxygen and could barely get out of bed for 6 days. He knows at least 6 other close friends who attended that event who ALSO SUFFERED VARIOUS MALADIES this entire week...Please spread the word to people DO NOT ATTEND these events. It is looking like they are hitting them with some kind of weird bioweapon."
Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People
Lin Wood tried to warn us about Clay Clarke early this month.
Speaking of:
Patriot, Conservative, WWG1WGA, Q Follower, Qanon, Constant Alumni of the Twitter Jail Club.
I'm flabbergasted but not surprised. General Flynn being a deep state black ops what with the 3 letter agencies being his best buddies too......wow! The only reason I believe why Trump pardoned him is to "keep your enemies closer than your friends." To also show how a decorated leader can be just as corrupt as those he pretends to be hunting down. The truth would prevail eventually. To think that man stood behind FOX and Nambla. Of course he wants Lin Wood dead. Thus the phrase, "General Flynn knows where all the bodies are buried". We have all heard that phrase. Darn tootin he does as he was involved in these behaviors too. It has finally come full circle.
My God this goes deep.
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Interesting because a tweet about Flynn got me banned from twitter. A woman on there tweeted info about Flynn being a huge Hillary supporter (documents with his contributions to that camp) and Flynn was the one to be in charge of organizing the round up of patriots once Hillary got into office, and those patriots would be herded into reeducation camps, or just done away with. I wasn't sure what to think about it because I've always supported Flynn but after looking at the documents of contributions to Hillary, and researching his history, you just couldn't shake the feeling that you were somehow just blind to who he might be, so I reposted what I found. BAM!!!
Remember what Lin said about a meeting he was at where it appeared to him that information was being gathered on patriots and something wasn't right??? It really bothered Lin because the message should have been about Patriots fighting for Freedom, not WHO, WHAT, and WHERE the patriots lived. Food for thought.
Patriot, Conservative, WWG1WGA, Q Follower, Qanon, Constant Alumni of the Twitter Jail Club.
I wonder, could this be the arrest heard around the world?
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
The only arrest around the world that would startle people would be Hillary, the Pope, the Queen, or Trump. I honestly can't think of anyone else that would be loud enough to be heard around the world.
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about him. I guess his mugg is well known, isn't it???
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
Yeah, but I’m thinking international court will get him for genocide, and puppy abuse, the latter to piss off the libs
I agree.