Restart Episode 195 - 9 floors world!
✔️24 December 2021 Interpretation of Saadi's poem:
"If there is a man, he is none other than Aref Rabbani"
"The animal is not aware of the human world"
#Teaching_embryology_till_genetics !
✔️secret Mahdi and#Advent_of_Mahdi
✔️Time of entering#SATAN into#Mother_Mercy!
To see the program,#PRESS 👇
✔️Why do babies die at#eight_months!
✔️Making sperm in the womb-Azizuddin Nasafi
✔️In#Sharia, a dog is#oppest
And in#Tariqat,#Dog_owner !!
✔️Who do Sufis, mystics, God and Sufism talk to ?!
Restart is a#scientific_mystical program!
Please listen in order, otherwise you will not understand!
✔️#Audio programs in order👇
#Biden#Britain#France#Obama#Germany #Democrats#Russia#China#secrets#Brandaz#New_Pact#Reza_Pahlavi#Mojahedin_Khalq #Cyrus_Empire#restartleader