take down the matrix
1. get your bank balances as low as possible. buy gold and silver. i do not trust crypto but decide for yourself. sell all stocks and do not pay the penalty.
2. stop paying taxes everywhere possible.
3. stop working for vanguard, black rock, global corporations and governments. go self employed or find someone who will pay you under the table.
4 stop going to doctors. hospitals. stop taking medicine. research and use holistic healing only.
5. pull your kids from school.
6. stop feeling obligated to the lies of any country but follow the laws of God.
7. stop buying all processed foods and going to restaurants owned by large corporations.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my sovereignty, and the limited authority caretaking only republics of the new earth, fearless, answering only to God, with unconditional love for all.
I pledge an allegiance to my flag for which it stands, a valiant symbol of our sovereignty, enjoined by God with unconditional love for all.
It occurred to me after really reading the words to the original pledge that our flag was not a very good representation of "US" as a nation.