🍊ChildOfGod⛪Patriot🇺🇸FreedomFighter🗽DigitalSoldier👩‍💻Covfefe is "In the end we win.✝️"God woke you for a reason.侘寂 🌴

🔴Hollywood star wants Trump arrested for 'trying to kill’ Biden

Actress Bette Midler is calling for ex-President Donald Trump to be jailed for attempted murder, saying he tried to kill rival Joe Biden... by infecting him with Covid-19.

“He tried to infect and kill Joe Biden at the debate,” Midler told her 2 million Twitter followers on Friday. She added that Trump purposely showed up at the September 2020 presidential debate too late to be tested, “knowing full well he was positive, then screeched, sputtered, spit and foamed at the mouth, hoping to infect Joe. He is the devil.”


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In response r363l l10n to her Publication

unfourtunatley, President Trump , in time , will be the first arrest that shocks the world. But, do not fear this as it’s part of the Plan. when the world see’s this there will be a massive influx of Trump Supporters and then the Deep State knows they are finished. Trust the Plan in the making for almost 6 decades.

Gospel Singer, Music Producer, Song Writer, Composer, Actor, Fashion Designer, Car Designer & Evangelist.

This is one of the most dangerous moves ever. There are millions of people all over the world who would think this is real & may fight over this & even kill each other. This is completely the opposite of a worldwide blackout/shutdown & data dump through Quantum. Q said the FLOOD is coming. Is this the way to the FLOOD? Don't think I buy this idea. The Deep State is a group of Satanic people with Satanic powers & there are still MILLIONS of them all across the globe & only prayer through Christ Jesus can finish off these creatures. This is probably why it's taken so long to round up all of them otherwise, this movie should've ended a long time ago. While THE PLAN is rolling, PRAYER & FASTING shouldn't slack at all. Imagine millions of people fasting & praying fervently at the same time. This MOVIE would've been a wrap a long time ago & the story of arresting President Trump to down the rest of the deep state wouldn't even come up. Only God will save us from those who wrote this script.

Qu speaks of the destruction of those who are evil satanic ie the deepstate/cabal. The complete destruction of Satan (those who worship and serve him) will NOT happen until the Lord return at His second coming. The world system is under the rule of Satan this is why he is referred to as the "god" of this world. Even at the Lords temptation in the wilderness Satan told Jesus... bow down before me and i will give you the kingdoms of the world. When the man yeilded to Satan in the garden the power and authority given to him was legitimately transferred over to Satan. As a Bible believing Christian I have come to the conclusion that the posts of Qu are contrary to the words of Christ recorded in Matthew chapter 24. The Lord tells us as the end times progress things will get worse. The disheartening thing for me is with the evils being exposed it ought to turn humanity to God in repentance and supplication... instead many are waiting not on God but Qu/Trump/military to save/deliver them.

In response Bobby Bex to his Publication

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In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

I have always looked at it, Qtime, as a time for people be saved and I think a Lot of people are being saved. If you were there at the start of Qtime and listened to the anons on 8 chan, you would be amazed at how many anons have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. I do hope Jesus's coming is soon, it makes so much sense now what kind of people will be left behind. A window in time for people to be saved!

Gospel Singer, Music Producer, Song Writer, Composer, Actor, Fashion Designer, Car Designer & Evangelist.

In response ConcernvatiViews to his Publication

The blessings Christians are praying & hoping for are in the hands of fellow humans like us. When we pray & believe our prayers are answered, we look around us on earth for the MANIFESTATION of the answers to our prayers & not looking at the skies. When we ask God for job opportunities or business deals in order to prosper, some of these finances & businesses come from the UNGODLY. That is, these so-called blessings in monetary forms travel from the hands of devilish people into the hands of believers. I don't think Q is CONTRARY to God. If this wasn't called a movie, then this is deception & definitely contrary to God. I found out based on REVELATIONS from God to me that Q is actually moving things in his direction & that's why I'm interested in Q & looking forward to what's coming. But I know WITHOUT God, Q can do nothing & Q also encourages prayer. So LOOKING OUT for what Jesus said in Matthew 24 MEANS we have to pay attention to Q & Trump because the Presidency is ordained by God.

Their is a war for the heart,soul,mind of humanity. Jesus is the only Savior NO ONE else. Trust in the plan of God NOT man. Matthew 24:1-51

In response Bobby Bex to his Publication

God help America if it is a psyop. In 2013 Obama made it legal to utilize propoganda and warfare on the American public. I do not agree with your assessment. Matthew 24 is a direct question being answered that correlates to the disciples who asked tell us when will you come back and when will the end be? The Lord warns continually that there will be mass deception... if possible... even the elect will be decieved. The Word is our source of information... truth. I find no verses in Scripture to indicate that God has appointed Trump/Q to deliver humanity from the evils that exist specifically Satan/demonic entities. Q speaks of Nesera Gesara... Others speak of a Great Reset. Ultimately both will be utilized to draw all of humanity under the beast system... one world government as recorded in Revelation chapter 13. My apologies my intentions are not to cause others to be apathetic... however I will speak as I see things in accordance with Scripture. The people of God need to prepare!

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