We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Some may find this hard to believe, BUT it's true and it just shows the mentality of some people. This was pointed out by a car salesman. Perhaps you can relate.
A customer comes in to buy a car, see's one he wants badly. You can tell the customer "yeah that car is $60,000, but I can make you a deal." We can stretch those payments out over x number of years, does that work for you?". The customer isn't looking at the bottom number. They don't care. They just want the car so bad, the number of payments and years to pay it off never enters they're mind. They're not concerned that the car is actually only worth $10,000 plus a trade-in, and they're not thinking about the future when they trade the car in and the customer is upside down several thousands $$$$. They just want the car and the they need "cheap" payments. Everything else is immaterial. It doesn't matter they just gave their arm, leg, kidney, and lungs, they WANT that car.
These same people are the ones getting the jab.