This was taken by EarthTv Cam not Medic Mustang. if you look on the video@ghostezra posted around 2:20 you will see children being led out and then a huge procession, along with an ambulance and all the cars parked at the bottom right of the screen. Here is a full length version (children are at 1:58). https://youtu.be/jdP_qiMbd98

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
Was this a rescue?

I think it looks like one. I can't confirm 100%. Why would that many children come out of the WH at that time of night and have such an escort (and ambulances) ? And this was the second round from what I am told but I cannot find the Cam footage to prove it.