I was watching this as it was happening. Not sure who was posting but I saw all this.. Knew it was arrests. It was from this view....😉👍🙏

This was taken by EarthTv Cam not Medic Mustang. if you look on the video@ghostezra posted around 2:20 you will see children being led out and then a huge procession, along with an ambulance and all the cars parked at the bottom right of the screen. Here is a full length version (children are at 1:58). https://youtu.be/jdP_qiMbd98

Proud to call myself awake & a Patriot. Planting seeds when I can. Joined AU after the Twitter Purge of '21. Glad I did.
Was this a rescue?

My family is everything to me ❤ God Bless The USA 🇺🇸
This is link to the original post by Mustang Medic. It has been altered and spread around by many different people. It was recorded at 2 am on the 20th. By spreading this to other people, it just makes everyone confused, because it isn't true. https://rumble.com/vdatx3-action-at-tha-capital-at-2am.html

God🙏Country🇺🇸Family👨👩👧👦 New to the movement and trying to learn all that I can
I'm confused by your link. The video ghost posted doesn't have anything to do with the video of the buses at the capitol. There's no way possible that mustang medic's post could have been altered to the video above.

God fearing, Jesus loving, constitution loving, Trump supporter,and most of all SAVE THE CHILDREN!
I am in it to win it! Holding the line for my POTUS, Q, the military, the digital soldiers and all patriots. WWG1WGA worldwide

End of Shift both in the White House and on the temporary structure. Joe must have been in the motorcade with the ambulance following.

the news is fake, the violence is very real. it’s time to wake up AMERICA. as the HUMAN RACE we must do better, we have to for our children.
Today 1/29/21 1:14 they are definitely dismantling the structure. I have seen plywood getting removed and it now only has 2 levels. In regards to video above, there were definitely lots of emergency vehicles and people were led out of the WH. Hold The Line.

Child of God RN, BSN Proud military wife Proud momma to 2 boys (ages 4 & 6) Trump is my President

Standing on a Bridge. Speaking Truths. Being God's messenger. Hopefully changing a narrative or two.

Child of God RN, BSN Proud military wife Proud momma to 2 boys (ages 4 & 6) Trump is my President

What is all that staging for?

LOVER of GOD, FAMILY, TRUTH, TRUMP & USA Constitutional Republic; Speaker, Radio Host, Business Consultant READY for the STORM to PASS!
So it CLEARLY looks like a bunch of arrests.. but WHO SLEEPS in the WH?? I didn't think anyone but Pres family & a few butlers were there at night?

I trust the plan, some days are a struggle! Excited to be FOLLOWED BY VINCENT KENNEDY! Jesus saved me. In a relationship so not looking!
If Hunter was there, it was a par tay, lol Just kidding with you.
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🙏 GOD WON. 🙏 Love Won. ❤️ Love and Light ⭐️💙 Where We Go 1 We Go All 🕯 I Love All Y’all 🥰 #FamilyIsEverything ..... PLEASE FOLLOW !!
thanks for this but it's kinda poor recording, who ever dont this could have kept it zoomed up more closer so we can really see what's going on, and it's kinda blurry too, I can't really make out what they are doing.

I trust the plan, some days are a struggle! Excited to be FOLLOWED BY VINCENT KENNEDY! Jesus saved me. In a relationship so not looking!
That's because there is no human behind it, it's from an Earth Cam. I think it's pretty good and all I ever found for that fateful night.
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I don’t know who needs to hear this right now, but:
Ezra’s been dropping crumbs for us for a LONG time & if you’ve paid attention, you are comfy AF ready for HUGE things to surface when the time is right.
Stop doubting, questioning, or panicking—that’s for MSM and normies & it’s hilarious to watch.
Trust that:
“Patriots are in control. 🇺🇸“
& that:
“We have it all...” isn’t just a catchphrase.
You're either in or you're out at this point. We don't have time for bullshit.
We’ve been trained for this. Stay STRONG.
Have faith. P

AF 78-02 I will not lose my country-luv it or lv it! Never give up never surrender-PDJT #SaveOurChildren ! WHY WE FIGHT! same hdl GAB

#WWG1WGA God bless All Patriots! Private First Class/General Flynn’s Digital Army...and proud of it! Love MY President Donald J Trump.🇺🇸
amen.....AND AMEN‼️
Patriots...now is the time for strength AND to stand TALL..

Always and forever Trump girl..MAGA. I love my country and I want it back! WWG1WGA
Sure looks like a movie set to me🤔

My family is everything to me ❤ God Bless The USA 🇺🇸
This video was changed, I watched the original one on the 20th. This was recorded by Mustang Medic around 2 am on the day of the inauguration. People are spreading the video with false info.

I trust the plan, some days are a struggle! Excited to be FOLLOWED BY VINCENT KENNEDY! Jesus saved me. In a relationship so not looking!
HAHA Mustang Medic only wishes he could have gotten a tape that good!

Jesus Christ is Salvation God bless our President, John-John, Gen Flynn our Military SAVE OUR CHILDREN Gratitude for our HEROES OF HUMANITY
Thank you Jesus, Free our Children, Free the righteous from the demons

We hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with rights to life, liberty and happiness.
Looks like a bunch of arrests to me. But what is the point in the erecting that structure in front of the WH???

Retired Army 2011. Working hard to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. American Patriot.
viewing stands for...
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Did anyone notice at the veryyyyy end of this video..... the full moon is gone, then bam, the full moon is there.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
took replaying 3 times to see & stop it & THAT'S NOT THE MOON. 😳

one world undivided with liberty and justice for all https://twitter.com/verndewd https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UnlManuURgPw/
assembled media on the tower, kids rescued from the basement during a wh pizza party, carrey is complicit, who else was in attendence? wasnt a particularly big bust, bur just enough for the big reveal. another sting.
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Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
4 rounds of mass arrests and trips to Andrews

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
On Jan 25th: Mass Arrests from White House. busloads and streams of police cars arresting people. Taken to Andrews AFB. Fireworks after the arrests? https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=403285127642196&ref=watch_permalink
Unleashing Intuition LLC - White House Arrests in the middle of the night? | Facebook
Looks like a celebration of fireworks display after 4 different police escort trips from the White House to Andrews AF Base or Reagan Airport closer by..
Mother, Wife, Patriot. Believe in good and truth, support Trump 🇺🇲 and Putin 🇷🇺 for a better world and peace 🕊. NCSWIC 🖤🤍❤
This would be fantastic! 🙏🏻 Dark to light. 🎆

I trust the plan, some days are a struggle! Excited to be FOLLOWED BY VINCENT KENNEDY! Jesus saved me. In a relationship so not looking!
It's an earth cam or traffic cam. We are lucky to have it.

Whats the time stamp at which the people come out of the WH on this video? Is the time significant to prior Q posts?

thought it was a still image, but there are lights blinking in the background

Where did the moon suddenly appear from in the last few seconds? 🌕🤷♀️

No video just a still image?

maybe they were taking them home from a long day at the office? 😎

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the monument has an inscription at the top with a date of when the NWO was suppose to happen. per freemasons