In response Robert Wakefield to his Publication
FYI, Robert 👇😼
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
“All the enemies of President Trump,
all of those enemies
are really almost universally from this Rockefeller camp.
Here in the United States you have this
incredibly huge component of Rockefeller operation.
[Note: Henry Kissinger, Council of Foreign Relations,
a Rockefeller Operation.
The U.N., creation of Rockefeller/Rothschild.]
"Bill Clinton is a hidden Rockefeller.
His Dad is Winthrop Rockefeller.
The whole myth, the story of being conceived
from one date with Blythe,
that’s just a lie.
Bill Clinton vacations with the Rockefeller family
up in Colorado every year.
Has for decades.
Why? Because he’s a Rockefeller.
He’s the bastard child of Winthrop Rockefeller.”