Don’t use all your mental ammo on Kyle Vs. Lin.
Much bigger battles ahead.
As always, get closer to Jesus as He is the ONLY one that showed us the way.
I believe Trump is being led by God still to this very day. And don’t fire back with that weak vaccine stuff. I’ve already commented on it extensively in the past. Nothing is as it seems.
People that literally have zero intel want to cause chaos with their own personal fear porn initiatives regarding the jab.
Don’t give them an inch!

Awaken to the presence of God. Love truth, and my dog. #Trump2020. I write Heroic Decepticons fan fiction. #IFBAP. Are you ready?
No, and here's the thing. The vaccine Warp Speed push and endorsement IS a big deal. I believe Trump is on God's side and that it's the "lesser evil" if you will... that this was the best and only other option he had, BUT he IS losing the support of many Patriots BECAUSE of this very issue, of everyday people who DO NOT UNDERSTAND what's going on. And it's useless for us to try to explain or justify it to those who don't understand why he would push the vax as some kind of higher purpose strategy to avoid a worse timeline, or that he speaks in code, because I've tried that and IT DOESN'T WORK. With real people dying from the jab now, they simply WON'T GET IT. BUT THEY WILL BLAME TRUMP.
This issue needs to be addressed now, and not just be swept under the rug and fobbed off as "weak".
Now, if all goes well then he'll be back before we know it and everything will be made clear, and we won't have to worry any more. And I am praying for this every day. But until that happens... no.

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
“Patriots in control”….Plot twist:
☝🏻 by definition is one who loves their country. The bad guys have been using the military to rape, steal, kill in other countries my whole life (50 years) to enrich themselves and enjoy the fruit of what this country has given them. One has to now ask….WHICH Patriots are in control? Last I checked, the bad guys are. I know, I know….we have to have a near death experience so we learn. That will teach us bottom feeders.

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
On top of the jab, my other issue is the secret societies love to use “Order out of Chaos”…..which unfortunately is exactly what is going on now. The only people who are enjoying the 💩 show are the ones with “intel”. Constant reassurance everything is awesome isn’t really working anymore.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
Amen 🙏

ULTRA MAGA, Gen X, Texas Patriot. #WWG1WGA #GOD WINS.
I hate this, because very good patriotic people I know right this minute are considering compromising their value systems and basically potentially sacrificing their lives for their families - because they did put in the work to get where they are and do no want to lose it all, feel like they have no other options. They are overworked, exhausted, and just want this to stop. There are not many of us, that just will not give in.

Tell the powers that B speed up the film a little please📅

ever see who lin represented in the past?

to think that donnie ,black sun king of north america is patriot is only showing how easily fooled you are and how great operation trust 2.0 worked on you...
he clearly made fool of you
how did you even missed all these dates given and their meanings???what full moon and eclipse mean to cabal??? is there sacrifice involved??? why did he use chair of destiny at mara lago on september full moon??? why did he opened portal to hell at mara lago in october??? why did general flynn distanced himself from trump??? did flynn finally understood everything after receiving the recordings and after directly listening to donnie and kushner (q)making multiple calls to try to start wars in the middle east???why did jp morgan stopped financing his rallies??? why did he placed kamala temporaily as president??? is it because he thought if she signs all EOs and bills they will be ratified by Hall of Records???

Do you know why he got his lawyers to appeals court??? Why is he so desperate to stop the National Archive documents release???Why do you think he placed Ezra to run National archive??? it was pointless ,really, nothing can be entered manually into National archives,process is automatic...
Do you know why nothing have been ratified by Hall of Records and registered in National Archives for last 6 years???
you do realize why he tried to swap the pawns( biden/kamala) to sign all EOs and bills??? she was signing all ... well, that failed too.
Nothing that he signed as president of USA has been ratified by Hall of Records and registered into National Archives...
nothing that has been voted in ,in every country in the world have been ratified by hall of Records and registered into National Archives
Do you want to know why???Because it was all harmful to humanity
think about it
these are not lies, these are clear facts
check your national Archive for yourself

whats a black sun king? who else was one?

Discernment is and WILL be the ONLY way to survive eapecially....the Next Several Years.
Q said “Again, there are a lot more GOOD people than bad so have faith”.
Lin is a Modern Day Honest Disciple! My Discernment has rarely been started in the politucal world when I KNEW ROMNEY (🤮) WON against the AntiChrist Obama.. that Election was Beyond Rigged !
I will NEVER doubt Lin Wood, General Flynn, Wendy Rogers or Sidney Powell... They are My SOLIDS!

Jesus Saves, WWG1WGA, God Wins, 9/11 Truth, Trump Supporter, JFKjr lives, Truth Will Prevail, #SaveTheChildren
to say that people who are questioning why Trump would still be encouraging people to get the jab are intentionally creating chaos is really fucked up.

Jesus Saves, WWG1WGA, God Wins, 9/11 Truth, Trump Supporter, JFKjr lives, Truth Will Prevail, #SaveTheChildren
I support Trump. However, it is not weak or fear porn to question why he continues to encourage people to get the clot shot. its doing significant damage to people and we should not just ignore that.

Levin kept cutting to commercials when that tooic came up... Operation Warp Speed had come up and I felt that was the Moment Trump or Levin could have stated how BIDEN’S “Accidency” Halted and Destroyed OWS and changws the name to “Covid Response”! This is when the BioNTech became part of the Shots (agreement w/ BioNtech & Pfizer was not signed until after the Nov 3 steal! It was signed until Nov 9,2020).
PFIZER would NOT accept Money from the Governent under the TRUMP administration!!! WHY? Would that make them have to show Ingrediants to the Clotshot? “We’ll see what Happens” (Q+++)

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Good advice!

(...)"Whom ever is navigating these storms and waters with us, we are aboard, and on deck, because alas~ WWG1WGA" ~R
I think its to flush out [them] surrounding Kyle and lin, and your right, patriots are in control behind the scenes, observing the front, always outfront. Remember we are safe, and very much of what we are seeing is a movie, wonder what the part with Kyle will be called(?) the battle of Kenosha and the right to protect one self and community, to long. but i do think its part of, (....) kyle is 17🤲🍿just another crumb i gather

Discernment is critical.
Strength and intelligence - well done!

So this is ok with you then?? Oh that is right you are not the one sitting in JAIL right??
Kyle Rittenhouse accuses lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce of leaving him in jail so that they could raise more money for themselves
CARLOS GARCIA November 22, 2021
Kyle Rittenhouse accuses lawyers Lin Wood and John Pierce of leaving him in jail so that they could raise more money for themselves - TheBlaze
Kyle Rittenhouse said in an interview with Tucker Carlson that his former attorneys left him in prison in order to raise more money for themselves. Rittenhouse was found not guilty of murder charges related to his shooting of three rioters during a Black Lives Matter protest. In the int..
Jesus Christ is Lord! God & country & in that specific order. All lives matter including the unborn. Huge dog lover. NO DM's.
This is all a lie! Lin was never Kyle's criminal attorney. He only stepped forward to help this kid raise the necessary $2M cash only bond that needed to be raised so he could get out of jail. Kyle is heavily compromised at this point. His handlers are intentionally attacking Lin Wood to keep everyone's eyes off from this money & corruption.

American patriot living on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic
we are all actors in this life, playgamo, trust no one but GOD. I support Trump, we have a purpose to achieve and that is freedom from corrupt GOVT. WWG1WGA FOCUS.

Born and raised in the Eastern Bloc. 🇷🇴Romanian by birth, American by choice.🇺🇸 Always do the right thing. MAGA.
Lin is a Patriot. What we need to learn is how to discern, be able to see right from wrong. Ask help from God when we can’t see clearly.

Doc, you made my day! Much Love😍
Only followers of this user (@FreedomFighter1111) can see their posts

I am a warrior for God, our country, truth and for freedom. Trump is my president! WWG1WGA
I support both as both are patriots until I see proof otherwise. Instead, patriots are being divided again and throwing out accusations before knowing what the truth is? Is someone handling Kyle? I don't know. Is there a reason Sandman also fired Lin? I don't know. Until I do know...I support both! Kyle was acquitted, rightfully so, for self defense. That is enough. Kin fights for 2020 election. That is enough. Both deserve our support .... not to mention that Kyle will hold Biden and MSM accountable!
Only followers of this user (@Joey) can see their posts

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children

Blunt to the point of abrasive..I shoot from the hip.. AM directed by the heart .. tempered by the 🧠