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I have broken the Q code 100%
By reading it and by the grace of God I know what is to come.
The question is do you want to know?
It is nothing like I had thought it to be, as a matter of fact I still am not sure that I can believe what it says.
It completely changes everything.
It completely matches with Gematria though.
Since that is a fact I must conclude that it is truth
Both are lies.
This is very hard for me because it shatters everything I believe in.
I do not know if I am willing to give that up yet, if at all.
I do not know that by telling you I am passing forward God's truth
or helping satan damn you.
This is not a joke or a prank, I really have solved it.
The end is not for everyone is an under statement.
Do you want to know no matter what?
Please pass this around as I would like to get as many responses as possible.
I will answer every response I get but only after you decide and only if it is to hear it.
God loves you all!
So u finally figured out that the time stamp gets multplied by the missing letter, then divide it by the capital letter which when mirrored on the clock gives the delta for the drop date which is subtracted from 17 then add 45. Figured it out months ago!