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I have broken the Q code 100%
By reading it and by the grace of God I know what is to come.
The question is do you want to know?
It is nothing like I had thought it to be, as a matter of fact I still am not sure that I can believe what it says.
It completely changes everything.
It completely matches with Gematria though.
Since that is a fact I must conclude that it is truth
Both are lies.
This is very hard for me because it shatters everything I believe in.
I do not know if I am willing to give that up yet, if at all.
I do not know that by telling you I am passing forward God's truth
or helping satan damn you.
This is not a joke or a prank, I really have solved it.
The end is not for everyone is an under statement.
Do you want to know no matter what?
Please pass this around as I would like to get as many responses as possible.
I will answer every response I get but only after you decide and only if it is to hear it.
God loves you all!
Fire at will!