I don't understand this post. Yes, he was re-elected, but his position was usurped and we have been under attack. Is the world being rid of evil? I hope so, but I am seeing the continuous push for unconstitutional demands with physical threats to every citizen. We cannot go to a hospital or doctor without risk of being murdered by them or losing everything due to their demands to take a kill shot. The truth of all vaccines is heartbreaking and explains the ailments both of my sons have suffered in their childhood, and now their adult life. I am looking for work, worried if I will be forced to wear a mask which is humiliation and slavery. Even T encourages the shot (I know, I have heard the reasons, but still...). I listened to Mike Lindell on Doug Billings who is confident that the SCOTUS will come through. I pray it does. I will be watching Frank Speech for their marathon. I pray all of this oppression ends and does not get worse. I pray for all who have been injured. I pray for all.