FDA Documents Show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston 11.6.21 She explains what they are doing to us!
FDA Documents Show CV19 Vax Produces a Bioweapon – Karen Kingston 11.6.21
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she blows the lid off the FDA authorized CV19 bioweapon. To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click Here: https
https://rumble.com/vot94p-fda-documents-show-cv19-vax-produces-a-bioweapon-karen-kingston-11.6.21.htmlGod Bless the United States for America; Donald J Trump is my President (for which I am deeply grateful) and Jesus is Lord! GOD WINS
EVERY PARENT who “vaccinates” their child is guilty of murdering their child.
100% agree on this one. I had a friend who had her daughter get vaxxed in order to attend 1st year of college in NC. The school required it. I told her to wait until this shit show is over as it is deadly. Child got vaxxed, no reaction yet, my friend ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks over a panic attack said they thought she was having a heart attack (not). Then attributed it all to the stress of knowing she was going to be laid off from a secretarial job. Her husband makes a high 6 figure salary, like loosing her job would cause that, no fear of homelessness or lack of food as others are experiencing.
I told her right to her face, "I Call Bullshit on that one, you know what you did to your daughter." Her remark: The MRNA does some really wonderful things and what you are hearing appears to be fake news. MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?