Where do you get invermectin, I was thinking of that. I wanna do a parasite cleanse. ALSO wonder about castor oil. Mama said back in the day rich or poor, everybody got lined up and got their castor oil dose. She then said, I don't know where people think all those parasites went, when they quit doing that. Thoughts?
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diatomaceous earth
and remember the spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down🤣
gotta cover that castor taste some how
🤣🤣😂Thank you for the sugar idea. I heard that stuff is rough. She said it was but said well it worked that is why everybody did it. lol
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
it does work
the diatomaceous earth is good for the removal of unwanted parasitic life forms
How do you use it? I have heard of it but not much research.
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
mixed into water and drink it
its cheap and readily available
gimme a day or so i can find dosing
Ty we need to find the proper dosing for black strap and baking soda, if they really have it all pretty sure back in the day when my memory was fresh on it, I likely posted it.
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
most welcome
bs i know you can do rather often
it will create an alkaline environment
which cancer cells cannot survive in
YEP she said for maintenance also, just smaller amounts of baking soda NON aluminum, another weird thing they make that. BUT yep as maintenance also.
your momma is wise ❤️
Yep some of the smartest folks I ever met had the best info. Old southerners and others from back in the day know a lil something, something. Amen.
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
where im originally from in arkansas we rarely run to anyone but grandma or grandpa for the solutions