Brian D. Hill of USWGO news ANGRY that President Trump didn’t pardon him; demands Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide evidence of Judges being BLACKMAILED; threatens to Subpoena Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood
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Brian D. Hill of USWGO news ANGRY that President Trump didn’t pardon him; demands Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide evidence of Judges being BLACKMAILED; th..
Brian has been angry for a few days since Roger Stone texted Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News on January 20, that he wasn't in the pardon list of President Donald J. Trump before he left office, presumably for good. So he is demanding that Attorneys Sidney Powell and L. Lin Wood provide any…
https://justiceforuswgo.wordpress.com/2021/01/22/brian-d-hill-of-uswgo-news-angry-that-president-trump-didnt-pardon-him-demands-sidney-powell-and-l-lin-wood-provide-evidence-of-judges-being-blackmailed-threatens-to-subpoena-sidney-powell-and-l/yes bring it out!!

The download dates would incline the jury to feel that Brian is innocent. The lawyer could argue that the SBI forensic report contains no actual forensic data. Like it never had an anti-virus report. It never had actual details as to whether Brian had intent to have that stuff on his computer. There is no affidavit of the forensic investigator as required by North Carolina Crime Laboratory Law. The Crime Lab admitted they were never used to examine his seized computer. It was only one Agent doing GOD KNOWS WHAT on his computer. The Jury should have been used to throw out his charge.

Yes Brian is the source of the leaked SBI report files on archive. Brian is willing to risk being arrested on contempt to expose that his entire criminal case was based on fraud. Why would supposed illegal files of interest be downloading for 11 months after his own computer was seized???? Why did Assistant Federal Public Defender Eric David Placke turn around and pushed Brian to falsely plead guilty to his charge to get time served sentence when Brian could have been found not guilty by a jury just upon ONE REASONABLE DOUBT. The download dates would incline the jury to feel that Brian is

Brian and his family photographed the discovery material and that was admitted in his faxed letter to President Trump. Brian photographed the page where it said 454 files have been downloading with the eMule program between July 20, 2012, and July 28, 2013. His computer was seized on August 28, 2012. So it was clear his computer was hacked likely by Vault-7 Remote Control System Galileo, and then alleged illegal files continued downloading even after his computer was taken away. So Brian is clearly innocent here and any reasonable Juror would have found him NOT GUILTY had he a good lawyer.

Maybe Trump didn't want to pardon Brian because then the whole case would likely disappear. If they don't want evidence of evidence planting and tampering to ever come out, a pardon may allow them to destroy the rest of the evidence. It is time to drag the entire court case out upon the whole world. It is time for Brian to punish those who framed him, time to go after the ones that acted like it was okay for stuff to be downloading for 11 months after his computer was even seized by law enforcement. His criminal case is the biggest joke that was ever exposed by We Are Change and ActivistPost.

This evidence would free this innocent man from his wrongful conviction. It would embarass the Federal Court and they will squawk like birds and will panic like the RATS they are. Then Brian will be acquitted by the corrupt U.S. Attorney because they never want it coming out that the Chief Judge Thomas David Schroeder may be involved in child rape and murder while being videotaped and was directed to do so by the blackmailers. Then there is John Roberts on the Epstein flight logs. I've read the PACER Court Documents too. I know John Roberts is on that list, twice.