Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
I remember reading about this a few years ago.
I'm still not sure what to think about Musk, but he's got millions of followers, so maybe this scandal will gain some traction this time around.

He's been up in the air for me as well. More recently, I've been leaning toward good. Je was/is a plant. I certainly hope I'm on the right track 🤞

UN officials 'force children to perform oral sex for food' in warzones | World | News | Express.co.uk
CHILDREN as young as nine traded oral sex for food from UN peacekeepers in warzones while officials looked the other way, a shocking new report has claimed.
beau ca 😎☝️

Elon Musk Exposes Massive UN Pedophile Ring - Media Blackout - News Punch
Elon Musk left United Nations' bosses reeling on Sunday after he exposed a massive pedophile ring run by UN officials.

This has been going on for centuries!!
People died when they tried to expose this Evil
in the past.
A new day

que la verite arrive 🙏

LOLOLOL He basically kicked the devil in the nuts if it had any, we all know satan has no balls. BUT HE FKIN DID IT< FINALLY< Respect.