Did Mr Trump get hoodwinked over the virus?
Recently retired, no longer affiliated with any party. Constitutional patriot listening for God’s word
Hard to say, He’s brilliant, has access to unimaginable info, but most all people on earth did
I believe the whole world is against Mr Trump and it’s mugs like me that are watching his back. Truth. 🙏🏻❤️
if the wholecworld is against trump than id say we are in trouble. and alone.
The whole world as in the world governance sytem that has been infiltrated and compromised by the Chinese, the money makers and a group of evil perverted bastards just hellbent on using nanoparticle vaccines to gain control over the minds of children.
well trump put his support behind the vax so he has a part in this. leave the kids alone! if hes part of this then he should be tried for crimes against humanity like the rest.
In my honest opinion I do believe that Mr Trump was decieved by the lesser of two evils. Truth.
Everything by design is engineered as a double edge sword presented in a good light but ultimateley holds a nefarious double meaning or in theory a secondary after effect that consists of a darker nature?
It’s like me giving you a vaccine pathogen that will cause your immune sytem to repond to a vaccine pathogen? On the surface it looked like the right thing to do and it worked and served its purpose... but then the latent vaccine pathogen goes and crosses the blood brain barrier and starts nucleation, self essembling and growing into a size tunable nanoparticle capable of absorbing light as a photon upconversion positive charge point source of a magnetic dipole moment enabling the transfer electrons as a doner to open up the ion channels to action a potential leading to unpaired electrons, meaning free radicals leading an imbalance in reactive oxygen species leading to neuroinflammation and ultimately oxidative stress.
Anyway God bless you.
Would love evidence of one injectable vaccine working for anyone?, Define working vaccine?