Earth Steward. Artist. Lightworker.
Join CHD + demand a return to freedom + democratic principles. People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates + tyrannical govt overreach.#BeADefender of truth, freedom + children’s health.
More details TBD
Question can DOD Civilians be "ordered" to do anything to include being ordered to take the jab? Can a military base enforce this upon its civilian members to include denying religious/medical excemptions and threaten punishment to include termination. Should one sign the issued order? Should one declare they are unjabbed and seeking religious/medical exception on the attestation form or should you refuse to sign any form?
my coworkers and i are pondering
the same questions
Same...its like they have set a trap...and they have put out no guidance on the excemption process but yet want you to attest to your decison..Its like they are making a list or the problem children and targeting them..I find this dispicable that those in uniform would be apart of this unconstitutional jabdate. Clearly they have forgotten their oath.