You just can't make this stuff up!!
Halyna Hutchins, the person killed by Alec Baldwin was no regular crew member. She's also the one who claimed she had direct evidence showing HRC was involved in child trafficking. Her husband, Michael Hutchins, coincidentally (?), worked for the same DC law firm that Sussman worked for. Remember, Sussman was indicted via the Durham investigation. Halynas' Instagram acct was scrubbed of all threads concerning her accusations towards HRC. On top of that, she was about to release a documentary she did on Hollywood pedophile rings.
This was NO accidental shooting. There is absolutely ZERO reason to point and fire ANY weapon at the asst. director, which she was. There is far more to this story than what meets the eye. I believe she had the goods and was talking with Durham. She was murdered. Was Alec aware of the hit? Keep an eye on this. I think it could blow up.

If Alec was aware and purposefully did this, he may be rewarded in a similar way to how Kamila Harris was rewarded after she , , , , , and therefore, it may not blow up. we might see Alec with people falling all over him in his 'new' role. But maybe not, just my over active imagination

Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.
He met with her husband and son this morning. Im not sure he knew but I have the feeling its possible. Remember...he was in the movie Red October.

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
Correction: She was Director of Photography, in charge of camera and lighting crews.

Staunch Conservative. Political activist. God loving Patriot. Proud Texan.
TY. It was early this morning when I read about her. Excuse the error.