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Is Donald Trumps account back on FB?
I would never put nobody on a bad hunt, CHING HAI knowledge of that shit is gonna take a nest out including Pelosi and Barry S and a whole lotta motherfkrs in between. ALSO tunnels and routes. WATCH>
Gavin, HRC fkn all those pos Clinton fk foundation, offshore accounts, on and fkin on. HONEY HOLE >
SITES to CHURCH of Satan church of Satan, that cloudy eyed mofo and Chelsea, tied BACK IN to the Clinton foundation one of many tied BACK into this whole NWO devil shit. WATCH you can look that bitch up and her ties to Clinton when he got a hummer from the other bloodliner, and tried to get him a fund going and did. COMPANIES or cult, oh did I mention that a cult leader, GET BETTER or worse, or more fk them, well sorry but back to subject matter raised by nones, oh and also fkin involved in the UN and fkin charities and orphanages, TIED INTO Barry S real dad the Cult of Subud freako. IF any more fkin ties would like to be addressed please lemme know.
The "loving hut" WTF is THIS thing doing with one of the "fastest growing "vegan chain" GLOBALLY, is it JUST me the only one who thought back to a dem and Barry S kind brands, yeah I bet mofo, must suck to be you.