Manufactured food shortages.
Manufactured fake pandemic.
Manufactured military depletion.
Manufactured medical personnel depletion.
Infiltration, not invasion.

You know what this looks like ❗️🤨That without the United States they can’t do SHIT❗️😏THEY NEED US🤨WE NEED TO STOP BUYING FROM BIG BOX BUSINESSES ❗️🤨 And start buying , Mom and Pop stores , your local stores.❗️😏

btw we can feed ourselves here in usa...we dont have to rely on ships........but other countries would starve if we stopped sending out food

maybe they are actually checking what comes in on them boats for once.............

I trust only the ones I love. I'm a verbal assassin, a #SaveOurChildren sniper. I spread God, Truth and Love. I'M NOT HERE FOR FOLLOWERS..
Installation not election...