My friend has Covid! But here's the crazy part. Her kids were sick but NOT with C19. She went and got a test and THEN poof she "got it"? Now she can't breathe! Take a guess what the doc would do if she went for help!?
I asked if she could get a nebulizer, food grade H202, Lugol's iodine, saline (I told her how to make), and since she already had a sprayer thing at home similar to nebulizer, she just went for it. She had no food grade h202 but we were desperate so she used regular pharmacy stuff.
In just ONE treatment - she can BREATHE better! and her Oxy levels at 98!! We all know what would have happened if they put her on the machine to "help her". It breaks my heart how many ppl are at the mercy of these killing machines. ðŸ˜
BTW, if anyone wants more information about this technique, it's all explained in detail here:
Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide — A Simple Remedy for COVID-19 - Spirit of Change Magazine | Holistic New England
It’s important to recognize as long as your immune system is up to par, your body can overcome most if not all viral invaders. And, your immune system function is dependent on proper nutrition, not drugs or vaccines...