More than 4,200 doctors and scientists have now signed a statement accusing Covid policies of#CrimesAgainstHumanity
You can't stop it.
We warned you.
"I was just doing my job" will not be a defense.

◄ John 14:6 ► ✝️✨Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“ ✝️✨
How much longer is all this craziness allowed to go on? How many of our family members have to die and how many heroes to be unjustly compromised? No one believes me anymore in holding out hope. Everything already seems hopeless and pitch black/sorry….never expected it all to go on -this- long.😞
I know what you're talking about. Same story here. Everyone thinks it's a psyop