I Refuse
by Dionysios Dionou
On September 13th I became a second class citizen. According to NYC law I can no longer attend concerts, go to theaters, cinemas, gyms, have a drink in a pub or dine in a restaurant. Why is this so? Did I commit a crime, or engage in violent or lewd behavior? No I did not. The question then arises, "What was or is my crime?" Simply stated I refuse to take an experimental injection being touted as a "vaccine". This is my choice isn't the mantra of the cultural Marxist left "my body my choice?" I had the virus in December 2020 it was equal to a bad cold some nausea and one day of a low grade fever. I self treated at home with vitamins C, D3, Zinc, hot soups, herbal tea, and rested read listened to music, watch some great stuff on Netflix and Prime. Lost 8 pounds wasn't my intention as I'm not at all overweight. Prior to this I had the flu only one in 1981 I was an undergraduate in college. Guess what? It was much worse than what I had in 2020. I was bed