Joanna Ols
3 years ago

Joanna Ols

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Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Fauci means “one with a sickle”. Chronos was Father Time and Cronus was the harvest god who had a sickle. The grim reaper is a derivation of these gods with a scythe. The reaper is sometimes shown with a crow because of the similar word “corone”.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Fauci means “one with a sickle”. Chronos was Father Time and Cronus was the harvest god who had a sickle. The grim reaper is a derivation of these gods with a scythe. The reaper is sometimes shown with a crow because of the similar word “corone”.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Fauci means “one with a sickle”. Chronos was Father Time and Cronus was the harvest god who had a sickle. The grim reaper is a derivation of these gods with a scythe. The reaper is sometimes shown with a crow because of the similar word “corone”.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Fauci means “one with a sickle”. Chronos was Father Time and Cronus was the harvest god who had a sickle. The grim reaper is a derivation of these gods with a scythe. The reaper is sometimes shown with a crow because of the similar word “corone”.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Fauci means “one with a sickle”. Chronos was Father Time and Cronus was the harvest god who had a sickle. The grim reaper is a derivation of these gods with a scythe. The reaper is sometimes shown with a crow because of the similar word “corone”.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm


These are my reasons


Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

META- Make Evening Trump again

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Predictions for 2021-2022:
The vaccinated will begin to get sick & die in large numbers.

Those deaths will be used by governments to start endless lockdowns (like Australia).

The unvaccinated will be targeted as "dangerous" & deprived of their civil liberties.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

I Refuse
by Dionysios Dionou

On September 13th I became a second class citizen. According to NYC law I can no longer attend concerts, go to theaters, cinemas, gyms, have a drink in a pub or dine in a restaurant. Why is this so? Did I commit a crime, or engage in violent or lewd behavior? No I did not. The question then arises, "What was or is my crime?" Simply stated I refuse to take an experimental injection being touted as a "vaccine". This is my choice isn't the mantra of the cultural Marxist left "my body my choice?" I had the virus in December 2020 it was equal to a bad cold some nausea and one day of a low grade fever. I self treated at home with vitamins C, D3, Zinc, hot soups, herbal tea, and rested read listened to music, watch some great stuff on Netflix and Prime. Lost 8 pounds wasn't my intention as I'm not at all overweight. Prior to this I had the flu only one in 1981 I was an undergraduate in college. Guess what? It was much worse than what I had in 2020. I was bed

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

- Benjamin Franklin

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Just a friendly reminder, the penalty for treason is still death. Tread lightly.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

​​Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, and it reports the highest rate of coronavirus infection in the world.

Portugal and Sweden recently banned all travelers from Israel, including fully vaccinated travelers.

In other words, the vaccine does not stop the infection or transmission of the virus, and therefore the vaccine passport is completely meaningless.

This is a 100% authoritarian power grab by fascist pharmacists and has nothing to do with stopping the spread of the coronavirus."


▪️Infections in vaccinated Americans. At least 10,000 vaccinated people are infected with the coronavirus. The agency has now stopped investigating the easiest cases.

▪️ The Royal Navy fleet reports a Covid outbreak with 100 cases, even though all
the sailors were vaccinated.

▪️ Covid-19 outbreak at Carnival Cruise: 27 vaccinated people tested positive.

▪️The CDC study shows that 74% of people infected during the Covid outbreak in Massachusetts w

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

BREAKING: At least two lawsuits have been filed over New York’s vaccine mandates.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

An upstate New York hospital said it will pause the delivery of babies in two weeks because of a spate of resignations by maternity unit workers who are objecting to COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

An upstate New York hospital said it will pause the delivery of babies in two weeks because of a spate of resignations by maternity unit workers who are objecting to COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

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Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

It appears that OSHA will conduct workplace raids to check employee vaccine cards and impose fines. How authoritarian. #SAVEAMERICA

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Let me think:
No animal studies
Human studies won't be finished till 2023
It is NOT approved by FDA!! Different vaccine was approved
My friend's mom just died after vaccine
So many vaccine injuries
99.97% chance of survival....
Hmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
I will take my chances!!! Thanks

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

JUST IN - Biden to sign an executive order today requiring all federal employees to be vaccinated, with no option to opt-out via testing (CNN)

UPDATE - Biden will also order the vaccine requirement (no opt-out by testing) to be extended to employees of contractors that do business with the federal government (Axios)

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Seattle lost 300 cops after the city defunded the police.

Now Seattle may lose 200 more after the city imposes a vaccine mandate.
I believe This is an intended consequence. They will "build back better" a police force more willing to take demands.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

They're reporting Biden is heading to California to campaign for Newsom. Rob Riener is also going to be involved.
Soros donated $1000000 already
Sorry guys but Larry nor anyone has no chances
Especially that Newsom is ALREADY cheating 😒

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Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

End of days time.
The Apocalypse.
The veil is lifting and we are witnessing the death throws of the beast system.
What a time to be alive but buckle up because it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Constitutional Conservative Against BLM ANTIFA Pedowood & DemocRATS Pro Constitution, Life, guns HUGE supporter of 1st & 2nd Ammendm

Biden in a NYC climate crisis speech stated all electricity has to be zero carbon by 2020!!!!Shouldn’t be a problem. He’s going to cure cancer, fix Covid & stop whatever they are calling tornados now!