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Are you ready for Universal Income? If not I would starting getting your mind wrapped around it because it's coming.
I can't remember if it is before or after the flood caused't sound right.
Maybe it's after we find the kids under the...No, not then...but I will always be following any G. contractor I might need from now on. I never would have guessed. Someone bet me a $100 they could. That really frassled me good.
Hey! Maybe it's after the huge explosion of massively sick people?
That sounds right.
I know it's one of those.
I am sure glad God is on our side because what comes after that I'm thinking that he's going to be the only one who can do what he does.
Thanks big guy in advance, for everything.
Universal income is the NWO , so you say we have lost the battle ?
I am fighting for justice for my wife after she was killed in a corrupt hospital. Please help me in this fight.
NESARA also had its form of UBI.
NESARA : Drain the Swamp (Free book) ; Global Currency Reset
NESARA GESARA Global Curency Rest. This book is about NESARA GESARA and the imminent global currency reset. This free book looks at issues such as the Quantum … 2021: Harvey Francis Barnard (1941–2005) The "Real" NESARA
 The "Real" NESARA   Harvey Barnard started his search for a root cause and the solutions }? to America's social problems in the late 1...