Medicinal mushrooms seller and wholesaler. Naturopathy. Wild medicinal plants. Intuitive, wwg1wga

If anyone is loosing hope ...or in some form of crisis... going through trauma and you really need help, leave me a message in my inbox. And i will ask Heaven to direct me to be some form of assistance.
If you ever wonder why I am doing this ... and many of you do know... God saved me from a near fatal overdose as i struggled for over a decade with the hell's of addictions. And i told God that i would do whatever i could to bring His Grace to others to offer hope, encouragement or what God directs me to do .. for it was by Grace i was saved. And it is by Grace that i live.

I will add to that notion, if anyone needs to just talk and have an ear, or needs advice I am a health coach. I'm here to help! We're all in this together much love…

In response Tim Larlee to his Publication

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Trust the plan— God’s plan. Not going down without a fight👊🏼🇺🇸♥️✝️ 17 sent me😉19 is our president! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

In response Michelle Anderson to her Publication

god bless you ♥️