Even though every arrow seems to be pointed and ready to fire remember that you do not give your enemy advance notice of your attack.
It will happen when it happens, do not be discouraged.

Free-thinker. Truth-seeker. Lifelong student. Curious. Proud wife of USAF Vietnam vet
I was reading about mass psychology (and mass psychosis) and how they manipulate via increasing waves and lulls, to give more effect, rather than an unrelenting onslaught.
To undo the mass manipulation, I'd expect the same tactics to be necessary. Hence the build-ups then the small reveal then subsiding... Need to break down the resistance til they're ready to hear.
I think this infomercial styled presentation covered it. Hate the style, but the message seems accurate

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
I often watch the Academy, good knowledge there. While this is valid they fail to mention that time heals all wounds. I believe time is what will be needed for us.

What was fresh is now rotten Long since gone but never forgotten
i had to tell myself this about next friday.
dont think theyll call it then

Love can build a bridge. Looking for individuals to help with construction. Contact your local We are ready centers to join.
War is and always will be fluid. Time can easily lay waste to the best laid plans. Even though I have the same hopes as everyone else I must remember this. I have seen it at work far to many times to doubt the disappointment and hopelessness it causes.
Until that day may God be with you Patriot.