Be ready for anything. All eyes on FEMA and the vaccine.
Discernment is critical.
😁what the heck can't follow this map!
Discernment is critical.
Yes I agree,
I found the bottom left is where we are now and work it backwards from there, to see where we've been.
😁I was just making a joke but yeah looks confusing
np - we are on a long haul road ... never giving up on telling others of this agenda.
I see now mandates exec orders on federal workers and private sector workers. What in the world?! My federal worker family workers and friends are worried. This is NOT right!
Discernment is critical.
We must stand strong, do not squabble with boss, rather unite with others quietly, plan get a lawyer, document everything ... DO NOT COMPLY!!
Research here - on this site, telegram etc. for tactics.
They must put everything in writing, ask for their policy in writing from human resource services. Learn your rights, cite admissions from CDC where stats are compromised. Make them fire you, do not quit.
Discernment is critical.
Check out the WHO staff, they do not need vac to keep job .. other companies as well.