In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
There is that clock with a 10:10 again.
Why did Q use that time ?
Could it be just a random time with no meaning.

Yehoveh God is my Father, I love Family, Country, MAGA, KAG, Q AND TRUMP!!
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
I see the date you posted but do you have a date when the posts from code monkey were posted?

Former Air Force Cyber officer. Combat tours: Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan. Information & Influence Operations.
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
Arizona canvas result...big freaking deal. Ron can go fuck himself.

Loving the Lord .. Creating my world with scissors...
In response NoMercy 2Q21 to his Publication
The energy is brewing …..