🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
You are not alone.
Not sure which is better hun, not speaking to us or just thinking we are all out fookn crazy!
Nana is in catagory number 2!
Pretty sure if some of them had the power to do so they would have put Nana in one of those suits, you know, the ones where the arms are tied in the back.
Damn joke is on them tho because I havent even told them about the visions, timeline traveling, or my alien visitors yet!!!!

LOL, thanks for the good laugh, Nana. I needed that this morning. Yep, the sheeple would put me in a padded room if they knew the things i DIDN'T tell them. 😂🤣

A work in progress! #Christ Consciousness #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGAWW
Yeah... it's a hard call, for sure. I'm in category 2, also - not a happy place to be, but I'm managing to keep a smile on my face, and love in my heart... most of the time. :)

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

A work in progress! #Christ Consciousness #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGAWW
Thank you. I didn't mean to imply that I'm swimming in a sea of sadness. For the most part, I live in joy. The sadness comes in knowing that even though, generally speaking, I get on very well with people - family, friends, acquaintances - for the most part, they think I'm misguided in my worldview, and won't budge an inch, when it comes to taking it upon themselves to do a bit of their own research. They'd far rather, that I fall into line with their thinking, and start seeing things as they 'are', rather than, as how I'd like them to be. It feels kind of like an undercurrent of sadness, running beneath the joy - if that makes any sense! Nothing that a few moments of sitting in the garden, surrounded by my favourite plants/herbs, hearing the bird song in the early morning, the crickets at night time, and listening to some of my favourite music can't easily put right. I've enjoyed this exchange. It's been quite meaningful for me. Thanks.