Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
“America Unearthed”
Watch the episodes.
Host is a freemason.
99% truth + 1% lies.
[They] have been searching for Christ’s bloodline.

Yehoveh God is my Father, I love Family, Country, MAGA, KAG, Q AND TRUMP!!
Ummm, Jesus technically doesnt have a blood line, the line of David came through his mother Mary. God The Father doesnt have a bloodline, He has no blood. So exactly what bloodline are they looking for? King Davids? Abrahams?

Veteran, Constitutional Law, Equality. Restore Our Rights & Constitutional Laws • Trump 2024 Ordained by God.
Christ when he was a living man had blood just like you and me. That is what he died from was blood lose. Negative48 is BS. As Christ said in Mathew 24:5 many will come claiming to be me ,but, know they are not. The AntiChrist will claim to be Christ the Messiah and the Jewish people will accept him as the Messiah until he desecrates the 3rd Temple that the real Christ said God our Creator would not inhabit.
Negative48 is BS? He has not said he is anything. Are you not glad that JJ is alive?
The 2nd coming is us. We are "of Christ." Isn't what you're looking for not of the body anyway?
Is this the next thing that will divide us?
Many secrets have been kept from us. Will they finally be revealed? I'm patient.💙