🇺🇸 8-29-21 Q The Storm Rider


The first dose of vaccines killed 15%👈
(these numbers are hidden
only 1% of the deaths from the vaccines are reported)

The second dose of vaccines will Kill up to 30%👈
(and is happing right now. But they are blaming Delta
and new variants for the vaccines deaths.
These deaths will continue the next months

The third dose of vaccines will Kill
up to 50 → 70%👈
of the people who took the vaccines.
These death are slated from Fall 2021 → 2023

The booster vaccines is sure to put the nail in the coffin
for any one taking them

This was sent to me by a Doctor
& I thought I would share this information

We are inside a WAR
We all must RISE SOON!!!!




In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

There is nothing we can do. I won't get the vaccine. If you try to share to anyone stuff about the vaccine they don't believe you. I have been not only unfriended on FB but blocked just for sharing the truth. I actually paused my fb because it's so discouraging. No one listens and now no one cares about anything I bother to share. Even Trump supporters, christians, are scared from the constant fear narrative. The white hats NEED to expose this whole CORONA BS and soon or people will die!

In response Chonita Nigus to her Publication

I hear you, my friend.
This is why Juan O Savin keep saying
"Not everyone will make it."

There is NOTHING White Hats can do
for people who REFUSE to LISTEN to anything
other than the MSM.

I no longer see or talk with anyone I used to know
except for a few.
I refuse to take the VAX
& I refuse to be around peeps I KNOW who've been VAXXED.

Plus, the nanobots/black dust are having a field day
so I listen to the A.I NANO BOTS video every day!!
(Do you feel creepy crawly inside you? That's THEM!)

The energies are intensifying
so we must be coming up on SOMETHING.
Hopefully the EBS / Blackout / Martial Law.
But who knows? 🙏💞

I use the nano video & a nano "bucket" I built more for environmental exposure
That disgusts me because I thought that was coming to an end
I also take ionic silver & from time to time oregano
Oh yeah, & I'm taking ivermectin lol

I don't totally avoid people who got the jab but do take care - I still got a couple of inflammations in my body recently according to my naturopathic doctor due to exposure so that's why I'm using remedies I listed
Also, if you get out at all you're going to be exposed because you don't know who got the jab or not
It's a mess, but I even though I keep my own company more these days I intend to live as much & well as possible as one can these days

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

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In response Starry Peacock to her Publication

Thanks so much, Starry Peacock, for that confirmation.
I agree 💯 with your routine!!
I listen to the nonobot video & it helps.
I'm ordering Ivermectin
Pine Needle Tea
& I take Chlorophyl every a.m.

It would be reckless of us not to fortify our Immune Systems
since NO ONE knows the kind of mischief
the deep state demon monsters concoted in their poison.
OR the shedding fallout.

Yes we are Divine LIght Beings
& very soon will be blowing this matrix forever
with Ascension & return to Source.
Meanwhile, taking the best of care is a great idea!!

I've heard that just as there is a Frequency
the demons use to activate the nanobots
there is also a Frequency White Hats will use
to neutralize them & heal everyone in one fell swoop!

I pray for that. I've ALWAYS envisioned
instant transformation
where all is restored to Divine Blueprint Perfection.
That will happen with Ascension anyway,
if not before 🙏🤩🌟🌹🌎🌸

Independent Patriot*@PeacockStarry on Twitter*also on Gab*Reiki Master*Starbeing*Vegetarian*#SaveOurChildren #Arkansas #greatawakening

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

I have pine trees all around me so I'm about to pick a batch of them & make some pine needle tea

Every little thing - and focusing on aligning with God the Creator is more important than ever

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