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I live my life in 12D while so many are struggling to understand how to live/Understand 4D & 5D consciousness.
I'm quite cetain this is why Q said "No One is above another", because it's very difficult connecting/Dealing with people that are not used to one at A higher level of consciousness along with the reasons why this world was designed the way it has been and for who to FULLY underdtand. Designed in A Way for someone(s) to teach it all to you, so you don't destroy yourselves or your fragile minds. I Know nothing I Say truly matters but atleast i tried.
One has to be willing to be transformed. There are priciples when applied create a shift. Its literally recreating the entire mind. Its a journey. Pray for someone to come to you to teach you. They will seem like a really great new friend. And then more will come. No one is above another unless you frame it that way yourself. Pedastal thinking. It takes many parts (people) to make a whole. 12DMind 8Heart Connects.
Glad to be on Anonup!