Your body is a temple, violating it with the
push for mandatory vaccinations is a holy war. about with DEWs? (directed energy weapons)
RT'd by EzraCohen, frmer Acting UnderSecofDefense4Intel&Sec: "Both US&CdnGovts r withholding info abt 'mystery' attacks on our diplomats &intel officers.I know 4fact that USGOVT IntelCommunity is hiding its knowledge dating back decades.POTUS needs 2take lead &order disclosure." -MarkZaid,4-29-21
PresTrump,4-6-20: "Human trafficking utilizing TECHNOLOGY…"
"The intel agencies of the West r not confronting China - they're copying China: total 24/7 surveillance, AI, 5G. The totalitarian nightmare is being imported 2free countries." -EmeraldRobinson,Newsmax,7-11-21
“Domestic Terrorism Against an Individual...Because the [covert]crimes of Organized[Gang]Stalking, ElectronicTorture &MindControl r USGovt conceived &generated crimes, these crimes often utilize Mil tech not avail2 or even known abt by the gen public...It’s the most MASSIVE of all illegal activities, a well-guarded secret in the world today.” -TheInvisibleCrime