by Mathew John Payne (copied from his FB)
How do you keep what was never yours?
And why is it they keep sending our children off to fight their foreign wars?
And If the power of the people is greater than the people in power,
Will the pussy cats still purr when all of the cream turns sour?
Now we are short on money, and low on time,
Im Just speaking the truth, im committing no crime
the moment is now, its gone way past near,
, “you now gotta tell those types they just no longer welcome round here”
If Jesus told Peter he will deny him three times,
you’ll deny me til the devil rings his bell, now I can hear chimes.
This is all history, on repeat, its nothing new,
Wonder if you’ll still deny me when you realise its all because of you.
you may mock and you may laugh,
But there is nothing funny about being forced or being starved.
So just How do you we keep what was already ours,
When our leaders live out their lives in tall ivory towers
What happened to a lovi
What happened to a loving, fair and just society,
That benefits everyone, including the likes of you and benefits the likes of me.
For too long brother has fought against his fellow brother
but just lately just about everyone is out and about kicking off about one thing or another
So many conflicting causes, protesting out in the street.
So many demanding voices. is it true? do people vote with their feet?
Definition of corruption; look up politics,
Puppets making others rich!
two faced and known to use deceitful tricks.
Spin doctors fabricate their lies as smooth as silk.
Coz Everyone knows how a pussy purrs when hes promised a little bit more milk
But for some reason you dont question , and no one ever mentions,
Just prefer to Purr at the promises and the never ending good intentions
So How many soldiers had to fall before you could finally tell?
All Those Promises and never ending good intentions really do pave the road to hell
ashes to ashes , dust to dus
ashes to ashes , dust to dust,
Wake up and look at all the freedom we’ve just lost
the lights is fading, now we are on the brink,
You can lead a horse to water,
But pussycats like you never seem to stop and think……