Red pilled: JAN 2018. I believe in Jesus Christ, American exceptionalism and my President Donald J. Trump. #SaveTheChildren #17 πŸ™πŸΌπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦…


I hear people say "my job is requiring me to get the vaccine in the next month so I'm about to quit". No. You are going to tell them you will not participate in an experimental vaccine and let them fire you. That way you have legal recourse. If you simply quit, you have no recourse. They want you to quit.

In response Nico Jones to his Publication

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In response imat 2021 to her Publication

All is not lost. Nothing can stop the shifting of the ages, call it the Kali Yuga, Age of Aquarius, Ascension, Rapture, not even their manipulations with CERN. What is really happening is this. The Annunaki are coming back to take over what they believe is their, planet and their tooled down human slaves, from the Draco. This is the current battle in play. The Annunaki love their gold and it was collected for them to be used upon their active return. The Draco infiltrated earth, at the time known as Tara and they brought on the fall of the organic humans, who were in their original innocence, nurtured by a small collective of benevolent star races, aka the original template makers and keepers of God's Garden planet aka the Elohim. We are letting the stupid Annunaki take out the Draco trash for us. Then the Elohim will deal with the Annunaki via Cosmic/Universal laws that have FINALLY caught up with them. They were deferring their karma onto the humans. Tsk tsk. It's will be glorious!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Outstanding post of the truth is hard to come by these days of psyops.

Gene Decode said Zacharia Senshon was deep state any thoughts!


I first came across him in 2003 and he scanned full of bugs. I wouldn't recommend following him or any big name. It's been near impossible since Jeshua, to not become compromised AFTER amassing a certain number of followers. If allowed, it's DS sponsored. Know, that you can know all and whatever it is to know through deep meditation and a deep sincere quest to know the truth, no matter what it is. What keeps people from knowing, remembering, seeing, is their investment into the things that support their sense of ego in separation; what makes them feel special, valuable, important; the ego's guardian. When one truly surrenders to God and knows themselves as a no thing, they can know almost anything. Evil's greatest weapon is the ability to make persons feel more important and special than others, or less than and insignificant to others; getting a false sense of self separated from the true self. The original "divide the self within the self" to conquer it. Atonement = At-One-Ment. cont

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In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

I knew a beautiful man named Tom Carpenter, who said Jeshua would appear to him in his garden and they would have conversations. Tom asked him about sin. He said Jeshua said, "I tell you, there is no such thing as sin as you understand it. If there were to be, it would be self-betrayal." We are an extension of God-consciousness, and so to betray the truth of this, it to betray God-sin. Jeshua said we are his brothers and sisters, God's children. Why is it so hard for people to accept that? To realize how awesome it is to be a child of God, THE Creative Intelligence of ALL, the Power of ALL. It's such an awesome thing and yet, how many are in self-denial, which is a self-betrayal. I can see it to be the only real sin if you consider, all else people do that we would call evil, must first come from a betrayal of God's magnificence. Grokking this crushes one into a humble being. There is no other way to commit an offense against another, without betraying the self first. It is God's Law.