The devil is everywhere where there is no light. Darkness can't exist where there's light.
God = Love
Love = Light
God Wins!!!
Stay positive and get closer to God.

This is not a walk - in event!
This is the exchange of reptiloid creatures that change the host. You can protect yourselves with love from it. That means loving thoughts, feelings etc. Not allowing sadness, not feeling anger, or rage, hate or fear. They cannot enter into high vibrational bodies. For this reason, many of us are alone to maintain this vibration. We must not rob others of their energy, nor allow it to be robbed from us. Those who constantly send negative thoughts attract them. Love acts like a shield, shining on you and around you like a cocoon of light. Be authentic and clear all thoughts and feelings within you to vibrate high 💃🏼🙏🏻🦅
#THANKYOU Fabijenna - eine Deutsche Liebe

This DOES happen to people. This video is plausible because of the way the host body moves right after it's hijacked. This is why so many are telling all to stay high viben and put up a shield. Your natural field is difficult to compromise when you feel great, are joyful, happy, well-rested, and coherent. Persons who use a lot of drugs or alcohol have massive compromises in the etheric fields, easy for a spook to breach. When angry, hateful, scared, vengeful, holes can be torn in one's field and then easily breached by a nearby spook looking to harvest energy. Keep toxic foods, drinks, and products off and out of your body and home. They love toxic energy fields and hate the energy of Love, Joy, Gratitude, and Forgiveness. If you fall into a negative energy state, turn it around fast. You can say an Our Father or Hail Mary. If not religious, the Ho'oponopono prayer is the quickest way to get your vibe up and heal. Say to yourself for allowing for the drop in vibe-

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication


While most of us can set up a protective shield to block even negative energy, its important now more than ever to pass on that glass of wine, the coctail with friends, the joint to relax and even get off pharmaceuticals as much as possible.

(not confusing recreational THC with healthy CBD oil)

I have found for myself that a bubble of pink cotton candy-like spun fibers of LOVE can not be penetrated by anything!

Make the efforts necessary to get your personal house in order.
All fear-based emotions, especially those deep and prolonged create holes in our human energy field.

Are your thoughts and feelings out of sync with your true nature?

Stuck entities can be very difficult to remove. They will sabatoge as needed to get their fix!

Aside from this Hawaiian mantra, look into the practice of Huna.
Many books by Serge Kahili King.

WE ARE POWERFUL BEINGS! If you don't know how to use your powers, there are many trained healers who can guide and assist.

In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

I appreciate your addition. I knew Serge Kahilihi King from way back when he lived on Kauai. He's on the B.I. now. His books are solid! He use to have a great cable show on monday mornnings and HUNA is the purest practice of ALL. It's just Love and it has roots from the Law of One. I ussually use white/gold irridecent light. I like your suggestion because it's sticky in the good way- "a bubble of pink cotton candy-like spun fibers of LOVE can not be penetrated by anything!" Many Mahalos!!!🙏💛 Are in Hawaii now? 🌊

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

No am not in Hawaii.

How wonderful that you are!

When Huna found its way to my consciousness I recognized it as something I knew innately! Another lifetime!

I use "Back before the event" everytime I hurt myself. Repeating this phrase while visualizing my self going thru the same motions prior to my injury and seeing a differnt outcome!
It works!

Some refer to it as a form of shamanism. As you know, even Serge has done so - The Urban Shaman, I believe.

I agree, it is the purest. And unlike any shamanism I'm familiar with.

My sense is that is comes from Lemuria which in part lies below the Hawaiian islands. The Hawaiian culture is based in Love.

Mahalo and Namaste!

In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

It comes out of the organic Law of One wisdom which is Universal in the Cosmos and certainly was established in the golden age ancient civilisations here. Glad it survived.

Your "back before the event" method is an effective one. People can go back in their memory and reimagine a different outcome and it will shift the present day energy. Its all connected.

Mahalos for all you share from your Big Heart! No doubt you have a special place to fill in the New Earth birthing now.🙏💛

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Thank you! 🙏🤗💕

Your message brought me to tears, touch my heart tears!
Yes, we can rewrite further back. I've used this, as well, and suggested to friends struggling with their current situation.
I do this in writing.

LOL! Didn't even think of it in relation to "Back before the event!"
Thank you for connecting those dots!
And thank you for reminding me of this awesome power!

What great conversations we could have in person!
Maybe one day soon we will!

Mahalo! . . . and Namaste!

In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

Oh, you were referring to something specific, the fall? Covid? The shift change? Which event?😂 And yes, you can shift your timeline trajectory with that method. 💛

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

My apologies for not replying yet. I will soon!

Maybe you know this woman?
She rarely posts on YT.
That mango made my mouth water!


The Magic and Mana of Kauai - Mango Season! - YouTube

Mouth watering mangos are ripe on Kauai right now! Share the the mana with me! Oceans of Aloha, Ameera Atlantis

In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

I am aware of her through mutual fb friends when I use to be on it. I don't know her personally. Our mangos are Divine, next time you vist also look for white Sepote, so creamy and sweet. On a side note, I could talk for days on the ancient civilisations, the golden ages, the original buiilder race, and the raiders of the fall. I feel when persons become so caught up in such, its because they have vast amounts of unhealed trauma. It was seemingly so perfect and before most could see what was about to come over them, even when warned, it was too late. The devastation was too much for many to bare. We are so fragmented now. All back together again, healing in our own ways. I do not believe we are here to recreate what was, as it was, clearly it was flawed, because it failed. The sneaky cultivation of the development of the ego in separation was the greatest weapon used against the Law of One. Not many survived it as Grand Ego Personas were birthed. Some still live in their shadows.💛

Have never been to Hawaii.
Have never heard of sepote. Looks and sounds delicious!
I know someday we will think about where we want to be and be there.
I have considered moving there, however, I live with amazing feathered Spirits & I absolutely will not quarantine them!
Have been with my oldest for 20 years. Both rescues.
It would be like quarantining children. Can you imagine?
My younger one climbs high on my chest and looks me right in the eye when she wants me to pay attention to what she has to say.
She sometimes does the same thing when we have cuddle time before nite-nite. She gets right in my face and lets me know how much she loves me & grateful to be in her new home.
The first few times (especially the first) she did this I was moved to tears.
There are several humanitarian dreams in my bag - one is to either open or fund a bird rescue sanctuary.
Birds aside, our conversations would probably end up as slumber parties! So much to share!🤗🙏🤗

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

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In response Light and LOVE to her Publication

Bird Tribes, you have Pleiadian in your soul matrix yes? They sing music that orhcestrates so many movements in nature. Vital beings here indeed, your role as guardian care takers is special. I often play birdsong videos through the day for keeping very at peace. Back when, persons navigating new terrain new it was safe as long as they heard birdsong. If it stopped, they knew danger or a threat was present. We are all so conencted. Mahlo for your service to them.🙏

We are multidimensional Beings living in an infinite Universe. Exposing the Cabal religions and their Dogma. Empowering Individuals!

In response Alcyone 777 to her Publication

Not Pleadian. Interesting that for as long as I remeber haven't cared for anything Pleadian.
Another star system.
Love to sit outside at night and stargaze. Lifts my Soul and causes a longing feeling.

LOL! My girls don't sing. They are more like "ack". Cockatoos!
Both have a short vocabulary. One whistles a couple of things. The baby loves to dance and play peek-a-boo!

Tried to load photos 4 times. Usually no problem.
Obviously not meant to be.
Anonup has been a bit wierd on my end today.
Sweet travels tonite!

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