It's clear what people were told and why. They used the same MO; scare the crap out of people about skin cancer, which is bullshit because the Vitamin D the body produces in sunlight is a super immune system booster. Those wanting to profit from sick care can't have that. So, after their fear campaign, demonizing sunlight, they sell the "solution", sunscreen, which is filled with carcinogens that cause- skin cancer. Now, they can make more money treating it, all the while reinforcing the need to stay out of the sun, which they know further weakens your immune system from the lack of Vit D levels. A brilliant doctor once said, "There is no such thing as flu season, only low sun exposure & low Vitamin D season; hence the wintertime cold/flu. Pretty simple math. They suck. I found the key to not getting burned is, duck in and out of shade every 10-20 minutes, flip and turn your body around and or wear protective CLOTHING and hats for extended periods.