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About missing chapters or books of the Bible.
My Bible tells me that God and Jesus are my salvation.
It let's me know anything is possible, and I do mean anything, as long as I have faith.
It also tells me how to defeat my greatest enemy, satan.
If you think the Bible has been altered or had parts left out please tell me what you feel you MUST have besides the 3 statements above.
If you think the Bible is false and was used as a form of control, explain to me why you would let me have the knowledge of the 3 statements above.
God will never let his word be altered. Man will try to tell you what they think and try to change its interpretation but your soul knows the word of God.
Follow your soul.
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
Unfortunately many people are pushing the whole lost book/censored information. A bigger dig shows that many of the other books, are gnostic (luciferin), Coptic, Essene. I started down that path a long time ago and came to the realization that they were pushing the whole "self actualization" theme. The Bible is the opposite and teaches to be service to others in order to connect with the holy spirit. I trust the 3 parameters you have set down as a good guideline. Anything else is destructive. Just an opinion based off reading some of the other texts. God and the Holy Spirit talks to the people that seek and search for God.
Exactly. IMO if you are looking for something else than maybe you do not understand that power you already have.