Here are a few facts:
1: The variants of CV19 do not exist. Normally, a virus becomes weaker if it mutates not stronger.
2: The vaxx will still kill you and the Variant Story is just a cover for all the coming deaths from the vaxx.
3: Biggest lie ever perperated on humanity.
4: CV19 Virus is 99.98% survivable without a vaxx. Your more likely to die fro being struck by lighning than the virus.
5: They will attempt to silence the truth about the CV19 and the vaxx. Expect it, its coming.
6: We still have 36 million and 600 thousand illegals in this Nation tiday. So when your working this week remember who is being supported by your tax dollars. These illegals live on your money at the State and Federal Level.
The Open Boarders must end now.

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Great facts to know! The illegals also destroy their narrative as they are pouring into this country and many reportedly have COVID! Yet they were not "quarantined" but allowed to be around many people! Including those teachers from California who refused to teach their own students but were more than willing to expose themselves to the illegals to teach!

Yes if these facts have a reference source it would be powerful, even though I've heard the same, its helpful to have origin of facts.

That said, do you think the illegals are being vaccinated ?

An Australian news reporter made the OBVIOUS connection that these mandates and demands are being made but no where are there any follow ups to verify the NWO "commands" were actually being followed. He was told to self-quarantine, he did, but no one followed up, ditto on decrees if he traveled, again no follow up ... more nonsense.

Most of this is posturing from the DS, crying wolf to instigate FEAR and consequences. Personally, I think it all horse-pucky.

Protect 1st & 2nd Amendment, Protect Children, Save America, Let Freedom Ring, United We Stand, We The People


Outsider, Patriot, Truther, son of God, Never quits, Stops at nothing .

Wonderful list of facts!🎯