I have a tiny following of which I am very thankful for. I am saying that because this probably won't get many views. We need to start asking ourselves what are we fighting for? Who are we fighting with? Is a difference of opinion worth arguing over? There are too many fights happening with those on the same side. Are there trolls? Probably, certainly, but for the most part I see that the majority of us are on the same side! It helps no one in a war to fight those on your own team! How does that help? We should be able to see differences of opinions without attacking! Seriously, we need to discern truth but does that mean we attack someone on the same team for their opinions? We need to be able to have conversations without fighting with each other. Know the real enemy! We for the most part are on the same team and are allies in this war on humanity! Anyone that has a clever Sun tzu quote feel free to comment! Other opinions welcome too!