Israel is last for a reason folks. Hang on tight.

Yes, we have. And they are trying to replace the bride of christ with themselves. Don't they realise they are a figment of N. Rothschild?
Isreal was to be the father of many nations not A nation. Organised religon has been doing their part in the lie too. Catch a "Jew" commiting a crime..You're just antisemite, that why you're attacking me. My religon says that all gentiles are cattle for the harvest and the children are perfect for sacrifice. How dare you!. When you look into how much of our government, media and hollywood have dual citizenship with Isreal, Things start making a whole lot of sense.
Knowing what I know. I am 100% anti semite and 100% anti zionist.
The real children of the living god I have no issues with, They are not trying to kill controll or enslave me. Just saying. God be with you.