Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
You know how you know WE won?
POTUS continues to mention the speed of vaccines, ‘HIS way’.
If [they] had it their way, we would’ve been totally locked down for 3-5 years and the economy would’ve been decimated.
No rallies. No fresh air without masks. No shopping. No restaurants. Nada.
Having a rally like this today was totally bitchin’ and a massive FUCK YOU to the cabal.

I walk the path God put me on with no doubt and no fear.I will stand by what is right until my last breath.#GodsArmy WWG1WGA #LetsFinishThis
I don't understand why he promotes the vax at all. If it is as deadly as it is being portrayed, or as evil...why does it even exist ? Why is it promoted by "those we trust the most"?
Just my point of view ( no better than anyone's own personal conclusion to this very MOST important question, maybe we get into the controversial area of Trump being the 2nd Coming of Christ and/or the Anti-Christ, in another string. )
Why promote the vax...?
While POTUS, he could have brought the entire house down - but would the American Population believe it was legit? ( Mathematical Gamble )
Push His VAX, w/previous 2015 patents, he could short-cut their "Great Reset Plan", as we all know Vaccines take YEARS to develop. Also, as an Emergency Authorization for "Experimental Therapeutics"... AND... by way of mentioning HQC+Zpac as an Alternative - he VOIDED existing law for "Mandatory" in the event no other Therapeutic exists.
WAR has casualties, every American had the CHOICE... All the coercion/threats/economic-cost aside, the "VAX" has not been "Mandatory".
VAX Phase 1 - Low Lethality (What is released)
VAX Phase 2 - Extinction.
Did TRUMP minimize death?

JESUS = KING || MAGA || #WWG1WGA || IFBAP: AU, T.me, Gab, Rumble/Locals, 107Daily, TRUTH, GETTR || XRP, XDC, XLM, HBAR, SHIB, JASMY
WAR means, WAR.
( This isn't hyperbole folks, it's the 4th Reich - in positions of Supreme Power, and we were asleep at the wheel. This mess is on me, and it's on you too, on all of us. Accountability is a hard pill, but the best pill. )
Do you believe YOU are at WAR..?
Do you believe [they] want you DEAD...?
15-days, just 15...
No mask, Yes mask, mandatory masks.
Lockdown, essential vice/big-box stores remain COVID safe.
Riots COVID safe zones, Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes - Deadly.
Arrests over facemasks, boating alone maskless
Herd Immunity, one-jab-two-jab-three-boosters or more..
Contact Tracing, full-blown Project Mockingbird psy-op pravda over VAX efficacy and safety and NEED
Door-to-Door Gov't "HELP"
... I do N-A-Z-I a pattern👆
( you get the idea. )