Jordan Sather on Telegram posted this saying JFK jr. is propaganda---- Sometimes I drop into certain Telegram chats from channels like GhostEzra or Whiplash to stir the pot. A nice little social experiment to test the collective consciousness on social media. I did this morning, calling NESARA fake, and the response I got was unreal. Some were probably A.I. bots activated to engage. Others were straight vile replies, for example one comment told me to put my head in a guilltoine. And a bunch of comments were promoting clear disinformation either about me ("Jordan is a govt agent", "Jordan steals work from Tore") or promoting disinformation about the topics ("NESARA is real! There's so much proof out there!").
Case in point: shill networks are ALL OVER social media spreading ungodly amounts of propaganda. They either promote certain psy-op narratives (NESARA, QFS, Flat Earth, JFK Jr., etc, etc) or they prop up certain individuals ("The Team", GhostEzra, ToreSays, Steinbart, etc etc.
Believer/Christian APL 99.993 I've seen war 1st hand + more child suffering than most.
Ask yourself is it "hope" - or false hope?
Is it designed to make me "buy" a certain product?
(BTW JFK JR propaganda sells Trump).. while I have no objection to Trump sales people - they are just that - sales people. I would prefer to evaluate the risks and benefits of the item for sale (or person or personality) - myself. I don't like "hype"... I especially don't like false hype designed to make me look like a blundering fool if it turns out to be false hype.
If it's real - I'll know soon enough... and that will be fine.