We Are Anonymous! We are Legion! We do not forget! We do not forgive! Deep State, Expect us! #WWG1WGA Fuck the System!
So you American guys figured out, that u have been in the legal state of a corporation some time now. German Anons figured that out for Germany some years ago. They have been called crazy, have been sent to insane asylums, called nazis, "Reichsbürger" (Reichs citizen) and got brandmarked by lame stream media.
Looking forward to see them realizing what Trump did...
I read some articles claiming that trump supporters are getting rounded up to get "re-educated".
Anyone can confirm or debunk that?

I’m a Christian, conservative and veteran. I support President Trump !!! I’m a Patriot !!!
There have been a few politicians, but mostly Fake News anchors suggesting we need to be rounded up and reeducated. It’s laughable !!!! 90% of Trump supporters own multiple guns. Nobody in US law enforcement or US military would even consider taking peoples guns. It would have to be UN troops or China troops. They would be expecting to lose 3-5 troops per Trump supporter to gun battles. I don’t think they want to lose a half million people trying to take our guns.